Course Reserves

What are course reserves? They are the readings and resources your instructors will make available to you for your courses.  Course reserves are available both online, and in person.

Course reserves available online

Course reserves are available online through Quercus, U of T’s online learning management system, or through the library online course reserves module. U of T Libraries course reserves page has all the information you need.

Course reserves available in person

Course reserves can also be physical items that can be borrowed from the course reserves/short-term loan section at one of the U of T libraries. 

  • You’ll find course reserves at Innis held at the library’s service desk.
  • Be sure to return course reserves items on time because overdue fines are high – $0.50 per hour per item, including evenings and weekend hours! (And this applies to course reserves regardless of which U of T library they come from.)
  • Only return course reserves to the library that you borrowed from. When Innis College Library is open, please hand in your course reserve directly to a staff member to avoid fines. If the library is closed, you can place the Innis course reserves in the dropbox next to our entrance.
  • Library privileges are withheld when the block limit is reached, until fines paid.
  • U of T Libraries has all of the info you need on course reserves for individual libraries, including the Innis College Library.

Find more help with course reserves at U of T Libraries

Use U of T’s  handy Course Reserves Lookup Tool to find what you need. Search by instructor’s name, course code or course name.