Film Works for Palestine – Palestinian Film Institute Project Showcase + Mixer and ‘Development to Distribution’ Panel

September 8
 @ 3:00 pm
 - 7:00 pm

Palestinian Film Institute Project Showcase + Mixer and ‘Development to Distribution’ Panel
3pm: An industry showcase of seven works-in-progress Palestinian films, allowing Palestinian filmmakers the opportunity to showcase their feature-length documentary projects to decision-makers, festival programmers, co-producers and potential collaborators, and general audiences, providing a platform for directors and producers to engage with the global film community, attend industry events and in the long term get their films made, and seen.

4:30pm Social hour + Mixer

5:30pm [Panel] Palestinian Cinema, From Development to Distribution, with Munir Atalla (Watermelon Pictures), Hamza Ali (Watermelon Pictures), Salma Abu Ayyash (Palestine Film Institute), Razi Jafri (Independent FIlmmaker), moderated by Devika Girish.

Click here to register


September 8
3:00 pm
 - 7:00 pm


Innis Town Hall
Innis College
2 Sussex Ave
, ON