Do you want to integrate research into your undergraduate studies?
Join the Innis College Registrar’s Office for a one-hour session as we explore different ways to get involved in research. This event is designed for students in all years and programs of study.
We will be joined by speakers from Career Exploration & Education, the Office of Experiential Learning and Outreach Support, and the Undergraduate Research Students’ Association.
What you'll learn:
- Where to look for research opportunities and how to evaluate your options
- Student experiences in looking for and applying to research opportunities
- The A&S Research Excursion and Research Opportunity Programs
Tuesday, February 11 from 2–3pm
Innis Events Room, 111 St. George Street (ground level)
Innis Events Room, 111 St. George Street (ground level)
Research Spotlight is open to all students registered with Innis College or its affiliated academic programs.
Registration is required.