Clubs & Groups
Where to start? There are so many ways to be involved at Innis: pick a club, group, or organization that speaks to your interests and/or goals — from governance to leadership to wellness.
While they’re all different in the areas they cover, they’re also identical in one important way: all offer a built-in community, a sense of belonging, and the perfect way to build friendships.

What are you interested in?
University is much more than academics; getting involved in campus life will benefit you both personally and in your future life and career. Join the club — there’s one (or two or three) waiting for you!
The Innis College Council (ICC)
The Innis College Council (ICC) is the governing body at Innis College — and it’s the only one at U of T that has equal representation of staff and students. All Innis students are welcome to run for a wide variety of positions and committees.
Find out more about the ICC.
The Innis College Student Society (ICSS)
The Innis College Student Society (ICSS) is an organization of elected and appointed members that represents the interests of all students at Innis College. A position on the ICSS means you could work on a number of portfolios, including Social; Equity and Outreach; Sustainability; Athletics; and Clubs and Merchandise. You could be hosting events, outings, and more! We’re all about community-building, activism, and fun!
Learn more about the ICSS.
The Innis Residence Council (IRC)
If you’re living in Innis Residence and want to make your space a better place, the Innis Residence Council (IRC) is a student-run body that organizes events and provides support to residence clubs and committees. Find out more about the Innis Residence Council.
Our Office of Student Life team coordinates leadership development opportunities to help students become more confident leaders. They host a pair of daylong workshops at the beginning and end of the academic year.
- Workshop Opportunity 1: Student Leader Day. For Innis students looking to gain, brush-up, or polish key leadership skills.
- Workshop Opportunity 2: Transition Day. For newly elected, appointed, volunteer, or hired student-leaders to meet and learn from current student leaders.
Email us at for more info on Innis leadership workshops.
Daina Zweig, the assistant dean of community wellness, and her team help students navigate and access wellness supports. Two volunteer opportunities invite Innis students to lend a hand in building a healthy, safe, and supportive college community.
Community Wellness Crew
For student leaders looking to create and collaborate on programs, events, and resources that support their peers’ wellness journeys. Members volunteer in one of five streams — community connections; food and wellness; media and wellness; pathways to allyship; and wellness for success — and attend regular crew meetings, while earning Co-Curricular Record recognition.
Student Wellness Advisory Group (SWAG)
For students who want to contribute directly to the conversation around health and wellbeing at Innis. SWAG members advise the College’s community wellness team in an effort to holistically support students. Applications to join SWAG open annually in August.
Email us at for more info on Innis community wellness opportunities.
- I’m interested in a tonne of activities...
We’ve got what you’re interested in — Innis Athletics, the Innis College Choir, the Friday Night Gamers, Improv Club, the Environmental Committee, Yearbook, Art Club, and open mic nights, among others. Contact us to find out more about specific Innis clubs.
And if you don’t see what interests you here, check out the Student Organization Portal, U of T’s mega-site that lists thousands of clubs, activities, groups, organizations, and opportunities across all three campuses.
Have questions about clubs or organizations?
The Innis Office of Student Life can help answer your questions, or direct you to the right person. Although the office at 111 St. George Street is currently closed to in-person visits, you can call or email us: